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tailpiece, basket, flowers

A vindication of the conduct of Captain Christopher Middleton, in a late voyage on board His Majesty's ship the Furnace, for discovering a North-West passage to the Western American ocean. In answer to certain objections and aspersions of Arthur Dobbs, Esq; with an appendix: Containing The Captain's Instructions; Councils held; Reports of the Inferior Officers; Letters between Mr. Dobbs, Capt. Middleton, &c. Affidavits and other Vouchers refer'd to in the Captain's Answers, &c. With as much of the Log-Journal as relates to the Discovery. The Whole as lately deliver'd to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. To which is Annex'd, An Account of the Extraordinary Degrees and Surprizing Effects of Cold in Hudson's-Bay, North America, read before the Royal Society. By Christopher Middleton, Late Commander of the Furnace, and F. R. S.
Middleton, Christopher (d. 1770)
History and Geography
printed by the author's appointment; and sold by Jacob Robinson, at the Golden-Lion in Ludgate-Street