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A correct book of interest, containing the fullest tables of simple interest, that have yet appeared; viz. I. The Interest of any Number of Pounds, Shillings, Pence and Farthings, for one Day, at 4, 5 and 6 per Cent. II. Tables at 4, 5 and 6 per Cent: on a new Principle, shewing the Interest, at one View, up to 12,000l. for one Day, and so on to 1000l. for 12 Days, and, by one Subtraction, any greater Sum. III. Improvements on the usual Tables, being from 1l. continued by Units to 30l. and from 30l. by Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands, to 5000l. and for any Number of Days, from 1 Day to 366 Days, and from 1 Month to 7 Years, at 4, 5 and 6 per Cent. Also, The Explanation and Use of all the Tables, by a Variety of Examples; with several Methods of computing Interest, Commission, &c. Examples of Interest Accounts, and some of the Laws relative thereto: A Table, shewing the exact Number of Days, from one Time to another in the Year: A Table of Exchange at Par, between England and Ireland; with Methods of making out the Exchange, at any other Rate: A Table of Salaries and Wages: and other useful tables: All done by plain vulgar numbers, to make it easy to the meanest Capacity. By Joseph Middleton, Accomptant.
Middleton, Joseph
Literature and Language
printed by R. Marchbank, for the author