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Crook in the lot; or, the sovereignty and wisdom of God displayed in the afflictions of men. Being the substance of several sermons on Eccles. vii. 13. Consider the Work of God: For who can make that straight which he hath made crooked? and Proverbs xvi. xix. Better it is to be of a humble Spirit with the lowly, than to divide the Spoil with the proud. By the late Reverend and learned Mr. Thomas Boston, Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick in Scotland.
Boston, Thomas (1677-1732)
Religion and Philosophy
Glasgow printed 1752. London. Re-Printed 1768: for T. Davies. Sold by Mr. Watts, Bookseller, on Windmill-Hill, Upper Moorfields; Mr. Hanee, at Gravesend; Mr. Woodgate, at Chatham; Mr. Goslings, at Sheerness; Mr. Lepine, at Canterbury; Mr. Philips, Taylor, in Princess-Street, Bristol; Mr. Parsons, at Bridgewater; Mr. Winsom, on Portsmouth-Common; Mr. Hogg, jun. at Painswick; Mr. Thomas Brooks, at Chippenham; and Mr. Mills, Bookseller, at Bath