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New and correct lists of both Houses of Parliament: according to Garter King at Arms' list of the test-roll. Summoned to meet for their fourth sessions, the 17th of January 1750-1. Containing, 1. A List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, with the Posts they hold under the Government; the Titles of their Eldest Sons, their Residence both in Town and Country, and the Dates of their respective Creations. 2. A List of the Counties, Boroughs, &c. in the Order they are call'd over in the House according to the Test Roll; with the Names of the Members return'd for each, the Places they possess, and their Country Seats. 3. An Alphabetical List of the Members of the House of Commons, the Place each is chosen for, and their Residence in Town. 4. An Alphabetical List of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, with the Pages where their Representatives are to be found; and several other useful Particulars and Distinctions throughout the whole.
Social Sciences
printed for J. Barnes, late Amey's, J. Brindley, J. Jolliffe, C. Hitch, and L. Hawes, M. Cooper, W. and D. Baker, P. Stevens, E. Austen, J. Hodges, J. and J. Rivington, W. Reeve, and J. Jefferies