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A genuine and impartial account of the remarkable life and vicissitudes of fortune of Charles Ratcliffe, Esq; who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, Monday, December 8. 1746. for High-Treason, in being in the Rebellion in the Year 1715. With a full Account of the Rebellion in England and Scotland at that Time. Also the Proceedings that were had against his Brother, the late Earl of Derwentwater; Together with both his Speeches; the first that he made at the Bar of the House of Lords, when he received Judgment of Death; and the other that he made on the Scaffold, just before his Execution on Tower-Hill, Feb. 14. 1715-6. And in the Course of the Work, is related both their Behaviours on the Mornings of their Executions, and their last Dying Words on the Scaffold. By Gerard Penrice.
Penrice, Gerard
History and Geography
printed for the author, and may be had of all Booksellers in Town and Country