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A common law treatise of usury, and usurious contracts: are said Usurious in our Law. What Contracts are Usurious or not, in respect of Contingency, or Probability, or in respect of the Times of Payment; Or in respect of Subsequent Agreements, or Receipts after the first Contract made. In what Cases the Contract shall be taken as a Penalty, or in Nature of a Nomine Poenae, and not as Usurious. Of Goods, Chattels, &c. and not barely Loan of Money. Wherein is also added. Explication of the several Statutes against Usury, with many Cases of Brokers. Informations on the Statutes, either upon Loanes or Receipts, as the Case is, with safe Directions to draw them; In what Court, and within what Time to be brought. And Presidents of Forfeitures and Penalties. Of Pleading the Statute of Usury, to avoid Bonds, &c. Pleadings as to Loan or Receipts, What Averment may be made to draw the Contract out of the Statute of Usury. Evidence, Tryal, Verdict in Informations, &c.
printed for John Wickins, and are to be sold by Robert Gosling, at the Mitre over against Chancery-Lane-End