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The works of the late Reverend and Learned John Owen, D.D. Sometime Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Dean of Christ-Church: Containing several scarce and valuable discourses, (viz.) I. A declaration of the glorious mystery of the person of Christ, God and man. II. of communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. III. Of In-Dwelling Sin in Believers. IV. Of Temptation; the Nature and Power of it. V. Of Mortification of Sin in Believers. VI. Of the Death of Christ, the Price he paid, and Purchase he made. With a display of Arminianism. First published in the Doctor's Life-Time; and now Collected together in one Volume; being very useful for Families. To which is prefixed the doctor's effigies curiously engraven. Recommended by several Learned and Judicious Divines.
Owen, John (1616-1683)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for, and sold by William and Joseph Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-Street; and likewise by J. Marshall, at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street; R. Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry; Aaron Ward, at the King's-Arms in Little-Britain; and E. Harrison, at the Royal Exchange: As also by James M' Ewen, and James Davidson, at Edinburgh in Scotland; and John Hunt, at Boston, in New-England