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Moderation pursued, By a Paper written for the Vindicating of Our Liturgy and Church from any Malevolence to Meetings. As also by Two others, Writ for the last Session of Parliament, but put out now in a Second Edition, with several Additions, fresh Insertions, and Amendments, in order to that Pursuit. Upon Occasion of the Book, call'd, Moderation a Virtue, and unexpected Acceptance at this time of such a Subject; and in Hopes therefore of some Members exercising that Virtue at their next Session. By one that holds Communion with the Church, and is convinced, that the Way to bring People to it, is (in the plain Nature of the Thing) by an Encouragement of Occasional Conformity rather than by a Bill against it: And to heal our Divisions is by Charity, in bearing one with another, rather than by Uniformity.
One that holds communion with the Church
Religion and Philosophy
printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and sold by B. Bragg, in Ave-Mary-Lane, near Ludgate