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The pleasant, and surprizing adventures of Mr. Robert Drury, during his fifteen years captivity on the island of Madagascar: Containing I. His Voyage to and short Story at the East Indies. II. An Account of the Ship-Wreck of the Degrave, on the Island of Madagascar; the Murder of Captain Younge, and his Ship's Company, except Admiral Bembo's Son, and some few Others, who made their Escape. III. His Captivity, hard Usage, Marriage, and wonderful Variety of Fortune. IV. His Travels thorow the Island, and Description of its Situation, Product, Manufactures, Commodities. &c. V. The Nature of the People, their Customs Wars, Religion and Policy: As also, The Conferences between Some of their Chiefs, and the Author, concerning the Christian, and their Religion. VI. His Redemption from thence by Captain Mackett, late Commander of the Prince of Wales, in the Honourable East India Company's Service: His Arrival to England, and Second Voyage thither. Vii. A Vocabulary of the Madagascar Language. The Whole is a faithful Narrative of Matters of Fact, interspers'd with Variety of amazing Incidents, and illustrated with a Sheet Map of Madagascar, and Cuts. First written by himself, and now carefully revised, and corrected from the Original Copy, with Improvements.
Drury, Robert (1687-1734?)
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731)
History and Geography
printed, and sold by W. Meadows, in Cornhill ; T. Astley, in St. Paul's Church-Yard ; and B. Milles, in Hound-Ditch near Bishopsgate