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The golden spy: or, a political journal of the British nights entertainments. Viz. The power and progress of gold. The ladys taste. The Mercenary Gallant. The Male and Female Favourites. The Story of Donna Olympa. Monsieur Icquet's Amours. The Fatal Rape. The English Female Favourite. Matilda and Golofre. The English Male Favourites. The unlucky Cast. The fair Extravagant. The four Extravagant. Of Love Intrigues. The Fortunate Adultery. Of Julio and Sempronia. The Whores Revenge. The Political Whores. The Lucky Escape. The Country Jilt. The force of Love. The kept Miss. The Cully's Fate. The Godly Reformers. The Reforming Constable. The Hypocrite uncas'd. The Godly Debauchee. The Reformer Reform'd. The Trade of the Camp. Wherein are laid open the secret miraculous power and progress of gold, in the courts of Europe. Also Delightful Intrigues, Memoirs, Tales, and Adventures, Serious and Comical.
Gildon, Charles (1665-1724)
Social Sciences