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A full and distinct account of the mineral waters of Pyrmont, and Spa. containing, I. The natural History of the adjacent Countries, and of the several medicinal Springs therein. II. A New Chymical Examination of the Waters, whereby their real Contents and Ingredients are clearly discovered. III. Of their various Virtues and Effects upon Human Bodies, and the Diseases that have hitherto been cured thereby. IV. The most approved Method of using them; as to the Season, and the Quantity, according to the Difference of Age, Sex and Constitution. V. Of Bathing with them. VI. Of the Abuses and Mistakes in using the Waters, whereby they may prove dangerous and hurtful. Collected from the best Authors, And improved By Dr. Turner.
Seip, Johann Philipp (b. 1686)
Turner, George, M.D.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for, and sold by A. Millar, at Buchanan's-Head, [over against] St. Clement's-Church in the Strand