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An impartial history of England, from the earliest authentic records, and most genuine historical evidences, to the middle of the year 1799; containing an Authentic, Candid, and circumstantial account, of every memorable transaction, and interesting event, recorded in the Annals of Great Britain, With an Account of its Origin, and progressive State; The many Revolutions it has undergone, its Discoveries, Conquests, Acquisitions, Battles, Sieges, Sea-Fights, and other memorable events. Also, A concise View of the Constitution and Political Establishments of Britain, its Laws, Institutions, Parliaments, Charters, Commerce, &c And an accurate and chronological Account of all the Sovereigns who have swayed the British Sceptre: with an impartial display of their characters. Including, An History of the American War and Revolution. To which is likewise added, histories of the present war, and the Revolutions in France and Holland; together with An Account of the late Rebellion in Ireland, And other important Affairs relating to that Kingdom. The whole interspersed With Remarks, Observations, and Reflections. Selected and compiled from Hume, Smollet, Goldsmith, Robertson, and other approved historians.
History and Geography
[print]ed by Hemingway and Nuttall