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The history of the proceedings of the second session of this present Parliament. Wherein. Are the debates at large, in both Houses, about peace and war, the arguments about the Duke of Brandon's case, the 12 New Peers, Mr. Walpole, the Duke of Marlborough, Mr. Cardonnel, and the Bishop of St. Asaph's Speech. As are also those relating to the Bills for preserving the Church of England, and tolerating the Episcopal Worship in Scotland, the Barrier Treaty, the Specifick Offers of France, the Grant Bill, the Cessation of Arms, with the Protests at large, enter'd by some Lords, against the Duke of Ormond's Orders for not fighting, and rejecting the Guaranty Clause. To which is added the Number of Voices the most important Resolutions were carry'd by.
Pittis, William (1674-1724)
Social Sciences
printed: and sold by John Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater noster Row