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The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation, containing the different methods of working the lunar observations, and all the requisite tables used with the nautical almanac, in determining the latitude and longitude and keeping a complete reckoning at sea illustrated by proper rules and examples. The whole exemplified in a journal kept from England to the island of Teneriffe ... The first American, from the thirteenth English edition of John Hamilton Moore, improved by the introduction of several new tables, and by large additions to the former tables, and revised and corrected by a skilful mathematician and navigator. Illustrated with copper-plates. To which are added, some general instructions and information to merchants, masters of vessels, and others concerned in navigation, relative to the mercantile and maritime laws and customs. Published as directed by act of Congress.
Moore, John Hamilton (d. 1807)
Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773-1838)
Medicine, Science and Technology
Printed at Newburyport [Mass.] by Edmund M. Blunt (Proprietor) 1799: sold by Messrs. Thomas and Andrews, Samuel Hall, Caleb Bingham, Ebenezer Larkin, David West, James White, John Boyle, W.P. and L. Blake, John West, William T. Clap, W. Pelham, Boston; and by other booksellers and ship-chandlers throughout the Union