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An alphabetical list of the names, Places of Abode, and Occupations, of all the freemen of the City of Chester, Who Polled (and for whom) at the late election, for Representatives in Parliament for the said City; Begun at the County-Court held in and for the County of the said City, on Monday the 29th Day of March, and ended on Friday the 16th Day of April, 1784. Before the Worshipful Mr. Cotton Probert, and Mr. Daniel Smith, Sheriffs of the said City. To which will be added, as a Supplement, A Prefatory address to the Public, And all the papers published on both Sides of the Question. Candidates Thomas Grosvenor, Esq. Richard Wilbraham Bottle, Esq. John Crewe, Esq. and Roger Barnston, Esq.
printed by J. Fletcher