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The divine right of church government: wherein it is proved, by fair and conclusive Arguments, that the Presbyterian government, by Preaching and Ruling Elders, in Sessional, Presbyterial, and Synodical Assemblies, may lay the only lawful claim to a divine right, according to the Holy Scriptures. A new edition corrected and amended. By sundry ministers of Christ within the City of London. To which is added, an appendix, Containing Extracts from some of the best Authors, who have written on Church Government, concerning the scriptural qualifications and Duties of Church members; the sole Right of Gospel Ministers to preach the Gospel; the People's Divine Right to choose their own Pastors; together with an Abstract of the Arguments of the great Dr. Owen (though a professed Independent) in Favours of the Divine Right of the Office of the Ruling Elder.
Social Sciences
printed by Neilson and Weir