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A new and impartial history of England, from the most early period of genuine historical evidence to the present important and alarming crisis; A Period Pregnant with the Fate of Empires, Kingdoms, and States. Containing Authentic, Candid, and Circumstantial Accounts of all the Memorable Transactions, Interesting Events, and Remarkable Occurrences, recorded in the Annals of Great Britain, With A Comprehensive Account of it's Origin and Progressive State, the many Revolutions it has undergone, it's Discoveries, Conquests, Acquisitions, Battles, Sieges, Sea Fights, and other Memorable Events. Also A Concise View of the Antient and Modern Constitution and Political Establishments of Britain, it's Laws, Institutions, Parliaments, Charters, Grants, Commerce, Arts, Sciences, &c. Likewise A Chronological Account of all the Kings and Queens of England: With an Impartial Display of their respective Characters, whether distinguished for their Wisdom in the Cabinet, their Military Atchievements in the Field, their Private Crimes, or their Public Vices. Including An History of the American War and Revolution. To which are Added, Histories of the French Revolution, and the Revolution in Holland, &c. Together with every Memorable Transaction respecting Ireland and other Countries. Interspersed with Remarks, Observations, and Reflections: By which former Errors are corrected, Absurdities pointed out, fabulous Narrations expunged, Party Prejudices removed, and what has hitherto appeared obscure and doubtful authenticated from the most respectable Evidence. By John Baxter, Member of the London Corresponding Society, and One of the Twelve Indicted and Acquitted of High Treason at the Old Bailey. assisted by several gentlemen, distinguished friends to liberty and a Parliamentary reform.
Baxter, John, Member of the Society of Friends of Liberty
History and Geography
printed for the proprietors; and sold by H. D. Symonds, in Paternoster-Row: And may be had of all the Booksellers and Newsmen in Town and Country