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Judæorum memorabilia, or, memorable remarks upon the ancient and modern state of Judea and the Jewish nation. Containing Accounts Of the Holy Land. Of the Captivities of the Jews. Of the Siege of Jerusalem, by Titus. Of the Ten Tribes who were carried Captive. Of the present condition of Palestine. Of the Septuagint. Of the Travels of Two Englishmen to Jerusalem. Of the Travels of Fourteen Englishmen to Jerusalem. Of the Great Council of the Jews in Hungary. Of the Jews from 1630 to 1666. Of a false Mestiah at Smyrna. Also accounts of the Massacre of the Jews, in York, Lisbon, and Persia. The Proceedings of the Jews under Oliver Cromwell. The Epistle of King Agbarus to our Saviour. The Epistle of Paul to the Laodiceans. An account of the Death of Paul. And a Catalogue of some Scriptures that are mentioned but not inserted in the Bible. The whole of this valuable Collection constituting a Supplement and Companion to the Holy Bible, or sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. The original compilation by Robert Burton, now augmented by extracts from other authentic writers.
Crouch, Nathaniel (1632?-1752?)
Religion and Philosophy
printed and published by W. Matthews, No. 62, Broad-Mead, sold also by the booksellers in town and country