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The fate of Majesty, exemplified, in the barbarous and disloyal treatment (by traiterous and undutiful subjects) of the kings and queens of the royal house of the Stuarts. From the Reign of Robert, the first Monarch of that Name, to the last of the most August Princes of that unhappy Family. To which is added, a vindication of Mary Queen of Scots, who was (contrary to the Laws of God, Nations and Nature) put to Death in the Days of Queen Elizabeth; from the scandalous and vile aspersion of Buchanan, the Scotch historian. As also a Preface in Defence of the Solemn Observation of the Anniversaries of King Charles the First's Martyrdom, King Charles the Second's Restoration, and Queen Anne's Birth, Accession, and Coronation.
History and Geography
printed by W. H. and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick Lane