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The act of tonnage & poundage, and rates of merchandize, with The Further Subsidy; The Old Impost; The Additional Impost; And all other duties relating to Her Majesties customs, now Payable upon any sort of Merchandize Imported or Exported. Digested into an Easie Method, Whereby may in one View be found the several Duties upon each particular Commodity specified in the Book of Rates, or any other Act of Parliament. As also the twenty seven rules annext to the Book of Rates; And the Table of Officers Fees. To which is added, a collection of such Statutes, and part of statutes, relating to Her Majesties customs, as Passed since the Act of Tonnage and Poundage. 12 Car. 2. And are now in Force. Likewise, An Abridgment of several Statutes now in Force and Use, which were made before the said Act of Tonnage and Poundage. AS Also The Duties of Excise on Imported Commodities: The Ports of England and Wales: Lawful Keys, and Wharfs in the Port of London: With the Tables of Scavage, Package, Balliage, Packers-Porters Duties, and usual Tares. Together with an alphabetical index to the whole.
Social Sciences
printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd; Printers to the Queens most Excellent Majesty