Ornament Details
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New improvements of planting and gardening, both philosophical and practical: Explaining the Motion of the Sap and Generation of Plants. In three parts and a Kalendar, viz. I. Of the Generation of Plants, Soils proper for their Nourishment, and Composts for forwarding their Growth: Of Timber-Trees and Under-Wood, and the Method of Planting an Acre of Ground with them, with the Profits arising from that Plantation in 9, 17, and 25 Years. II. Of a new Invention for the more speedy Designing of Garden-Platts: Of Ever-Greens, and Flowering-Trees and Shrubs, their Culture and Use in Gardens: Of Perennial Flowers, and Bulbous or Onion-Rooted Plants, &c. A Kalendar, Directing what is necessary to be done every Month, in the Kitchen-Garden, Fruit-Garden, Nursery, Management of Forrest-Trees, Green-House and Flower-Garden; and for the Making and Ordering of Hop-Grounds: With the Design of a Green-House, after a new Manner, for keeping Exotick Plants, contrived by Seignior Galilei of Florence, finely Engraved. III. Of Fruit-Trees; Observations and Experiments relating to their Propagation and Culture: Of Blights or Blasts: Of the Kitchen-Garden: Of Engines for raising of Water, with Observations and Experiments for Meliorating Water for the use of Gardens, and of the Green-House and Exotick Plants. By Richard Bradley, F.R.S.
printed by and for George Grierson, at the Two Bibles, in Essex-Street