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Arithmetick, in all its parts. Containing all the rules, both for the vulgar and decimal, adapted to the meanest capacity, in a Practical, Easie and Familiar Method The second edition. By Gideon Royer, Writer, Flourisher and Imbellisher, to the late Kings, Charles, James, William, and Queen Anne; and Teacher of Arithmetick for above fifty Years. To which is added, A compendium of algebra, Solving Simple, Quadratick, and Cubick Equations; together with the Method of Converging Series's, after so plain a Method, that any one who understands Numbers, may learn the Solution of the said Equations without a Master. By George Gordon, Assistant to the Reverend Dr. Desaguliers.
Royer, Gideon (1650-1722)
Gordon, George (1741-1779)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed by A. Campbell, for J. Hazard, against Stationers-Hall, and B. Creake, at the Bible in Germain-Street, St. James's