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Memoirs of Ireland from the Restoration, to the present times. Containing I. An Account of the Designs of the Tories in England and Ireland, to ruin the Protestant Interest there, by breaking the Act of Settlement, and other Acts made for its Security, in 1660, & seq. II. A Conspiracy to massacre the Protestants, in 1674. III. A Plot for a French Invasion, and to betray the strong Cities and Ports to the Invaders. IV. The Debates concerning that Plot in the Parliament of England, and the Proceedings against the Earl of Tyrone, and others thereupon. V. Tyrconnel's Cruel and Arbitrary Government. VI. The Tyrannical Reign of the late King James, and his Treaty with Lewis the XIVth, to deliver up that Kingdom to him. Vii. Some Facts of the Wars in Ireland in 1689, 1690, 1691. Never before Printed. With lists of King James's officers civil and military; of his Popish Parliament in 1689, and of King William's Parliament in 1691. By the author of the Secret history of Europe.
Oldmixon, Mr. (John), (1673-1742)
History and Geography
printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane