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A treatise on the inherent qualities of the tea-herb: being an account of the natural virtues of the bohea, green, and imperial teas. Collected from Mss. of learned physicians. Particularly from a latin MS. entitul'd, De Potu Theae, wrote by the famous J. N. Pechlinus, Principal Physician to the late King of Denmark, celebrated amongst the Learned of his Faculty, for being as ingenious a Piece as this Age has produced. Wherein is clearly demonstrated, That this delicious Nectar has all the good Effects of Wine without the ill; a Liquor that warms without Inflammation, and exhilirates without intoxicating; and if drank according to the Directions which will be given, is preferable to all Mineral Waters, as being an unspeakable Benefit in most Chronical Diseases: A Discovery well worth the Knowledge of this Nation; It being particularly efficacious in that almost Epedemical Distemper the Scurvy, Which reigns so much in this Kingdom. Compiled by a gentleman of Cambridge.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for C. Corbett, opposite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; and may also be had of the publishers at Charing-Cross, and the Royal-Exchange