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The British youth's instructor: or, a new and easy guide to practical arithmetic. Wherein The Rudiments of Common Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, the Extraction and Use of the Square and Cube Roots, &c. are so easily treated of, and so plainly demonstrated, that any Person may, of himself (in a short Time) become acquainted with every Thing necessary to the Knowledge of Business. To which is added, A Postscript, for the Use of Country Youths in particular: Shewing how to measure any regular Piece of Timber, Tyling, Thatching, Brick-Work, or Piece of Land; as also, how to gauge any Cistern, Piece of Malt, or common Cooler, Tub, or Cask. The Whole designed for such as have Hitherto neglected, or have not had Opportunity of being acquainted with Figures; and attempted in natural and familiar Dialogues, in Order to render the Work more easy and diverting, as well as useful to Learners. Recommended by several eminent Writing-Masters, and Accomptants. The second edition, corrected and improved. By Daniel Fenning, Author of the Young Algebraist's Companion, and Description and Use of the Globes, both in Dialogues.
Fenning, Daniel
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, facing St. Magnus-Church, London-Bridge