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The newest and most compleat polite familiar letter-writer. On the most important Concerns in Life, both with regard to Love and Business in which is included Letters giving an Account of the political State of England, with several Letters of the most celebrated Authors, both Antient and Modern, viz. Pliny, Cicero, Voiture, Locke, Balzac, Addison, Steele, Pope, Gay, Swift, Voltaire, Rochester, Temple, K. of Prussia, Q. Anne, &c. With a collection of the Newest and Most Polite message cards. A Collection of Select Moral Sentences, Extracted from the most eminent Authors both antient and modern, directing not only how to think, but to act justly and prudently in the common Concerns of human Life. And ten precepts, which William Lord Burghley gave to his second Son Robert Earl of Salisbury. To which is prefixed, A Large introduction, Containing Directions and proper Forms to be observed in writing familiar Letters on all Occasions, and addressing Persons of eminent Rank and Station For the use of young Gentlemen, Ladies, Tradesmen, &c. The Fourth Edition, with large Additions and Amendments. By John Tavernier, Esq;
Tavernier, John
Literature and Language
printed and sold by R. Taylor, and by all the booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland