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cherubs, tailpieces, flowers

A letter to Scripturista; containing some remarks on his answer to Paulinus's three questions: wherein the nature of a test of orthodoxy is exactly stated; the church's right to know and judge of the religious principles of those who are admitted to sealing ordinances, and reject the erroneous, is asserted; and the practice of our churches in New-England, from their first settlement in this country, vindicated. And also three questions more, relative to the new way of taking persons in the church, lately introduced at Wallingford, by Mr. Dana, stated: with a desire they may be answered by Scripturista, in his next letter to his friend Paulinus. [Two lines of Scripture texts].
Bellamy, Joseph (1719-1790)
Kneeland, Samuel (1697-1769)
Poamer, Mehetable, MWA
Religion and Philosophy
New-Haven: Printed 1760. Boston: re-printed and sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen-Street