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An Address to farmers on the following interesting subjects: 1. The character of a complete farmer. 2. The importance of manure. 3. Labor. 4. Exchanging work. 5. The profits of a nursery. 6. The advantages of an orchard. 7. The management of cyder. 8. Keeping a day-book. 9. Contracting debts. 10. Cloathing and diet. 11. Engaging in law suits. 12. Good neighbourhood. 13. Education. To which is added an appendix, containing the most approved methods for the management and improvement of tillage, mowing and pasture lands; and for the practice of the art of husbandry in general. (Extracted principally from a variety of authors, who have written judiciously on those important subjects.) (Published according to Act of Congress.)
Medicine, Science and Technology
by Blunt and March, for John Dabney, Salem
Printed at Newburyport [Mass.]