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A tour through France, Flanders, and Germany; in a letter to Robert Savil, Esq; containing, first, a description of the principal cities and Fortified Towns; viz. Dunkirk, Bruges, Gaunt, Mecklin, Cologn, Frankfort, Magdeburgh, Brandenburgh, Berlin, and Lanenburgh; with others of lesser Note. Also the Face of the Country, Rivers, &c. Adorn'd with Curious Observations throughout the whole Journey. Secondly, remarks on the government of these countries, and the several Electorates; particularly on the Liberty and Property of the People. With A Serious and Impartial Consideration of the Political Papers published in London; and on the Conduct of the present Ministry. By Thomas Frankz, M.D.
printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane