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Bradshaw's valuable family jewel. Containing all that relates to confectionary, cookery, Pastry, preserving, pickling, cordials, wine making, bread making, &c. With a great Number of other Necessary Articles, not to be met with in any other Book. Likewise Mons. Millien's Method of preserving Metals from Rust, such as Guns, Grates, Candle-Sticks, &c. for the Discovery of which the Royal Academy of Paris gave him 10,000 l. By Mrs. P. Bradshaw. To which is added, The London and country brewer. containing, An excellent Way of Brewing a Butt of Pale strong Beer, by an Inn-Keeper. A Scheme for Brewing strong Malt-Liquors after a new improved Method. Of Brewing Butt-Beer, called Porter. Of Brewing a Hogshead and a Half of Pale Ale from fresh Malt, by a private Person. Of Working Beer and Ale after a new Way, to their great Advantage. Common Purl improv'd by a famous cheap Receipt now in use, rendering it far more wholesome and pleasant than by the common Way. And also, the cellar-man. Or many Receipts to cure, preserve and Improve Drinks in the Cask; a new advantagious Way to get out the Sap of new Casks, and to Season them at once; likewise particular Directions for Bottling Malt-Drinks; with many other useful Matters, never before Publish'd; truly necessary for those who are concern'd in Brewing or Selling Malt-Liquors. By a person formerly concern'd in a publick brew-house.
Bradshaw, Penelope
Ellis, William, brewer
Medicine, Science and Technology
Printed for Penelope Bradshaw