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Three letters. Letter I. An answer by Doctor Powel, to a letter from the Chancellor of the diocese of Chester, to let him know the fees due to his office, for the Acts and Instruments concerning his Institution to the Archdeaconry of Chester; and that he had sent his printed Letters (which he desired he would accept of as a Mark of Respect) to shew him the Justice of the Demand. Letter II. A reply by the Chancellor. Letter III. An answer to the the reply, by W. P. The letters are printed and published to save W. P. trouble of exposing them, (as he mentions) and to Appeal to the World; whether the Chancellor, or W. P. has lost his good Manners, his Senses, and his Christianity. With explanatory notes. To which is added, an answer paragraph by paragraph to W. P.'s letter, by Philalethes.
Powel, William (1680 or 81-1751)
Gastrell, Peregrine (d. 1748)
Social Sciences
Printed and sold by Orion Adams, at his Printing-Office in Northgate-Street, Claster