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The seaman's guide, (collected chiefly from the experience of the author: The other Parts compiled from the latest and best Surveys of the English, French, Dutch, and Danes, ) containing the courses by the compass, and Distances from Place to Place, for all the Coasts of Europe, and many of Africa and Asia: With the Variation laid down as observed in the Year 1773. Also the Distances, in Miles, from London to the principal Ports in Great-Britain, Ireland, the East-Part of France, Flanders, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and throughout the Baltic. With the addition of a new and correct tide-table, Shewing the Flowings on the Coast of England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Islands adjacent; Lapland, Norway, Jutland, Holland, Flanders, France, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, the Canaries, &c. Calculated chiefly for the more ready finding the Course and Distance from Place to Place; and for those who know not the Use of Sea-Charts, or may not be properly provided with correct Charts for their Voyages, being the first of its Kind ever published. By John Diston, Pilot, from the Trinity-House.
printed for D. Steel, Number 1, Union-Row, Little Tower-Hill