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A critical history of the administration of Sr Robert Walpole, Now Earl of Orford. Collected chiefly from the debates in Parliament, and the political writings on both sides; And Digested under the following Heads: First, with regard to Domestic Affairs, The Bank Contract, and other Measures in consequence of the South-Sea Project. Grants to the Civil List, Votes of Credit, and annual Provisions for the current Service. The Excise and other Schemes reputed destructive of the People's Liberty, and subversive of the Constitution. Undue Influence in Elections and on the Elected, with other suspected Branches of Corruption. Discouragement of Commerce, Industry, Arts, Capacity, and Literature. Vast Expences incur'd, without any visible Advantage to Great-Britain. Secondly, with regard to Foreign Affairs, Negotiations and Treaties with foreign Nations, exclusive of those with Spain that regard the present Quarrel. Transactions between Spain and us, from the first Treaty of Vienna to the last Convention. Conduct of the War. And Thirdly, as consequential of both, The History of the Opposition within Doors and without. The Secession; the Motion; the Defeat, and Resignation. To the whole are prefix'd, some particulars of Mr. Walpole's public life, before the year 1721. By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple.
Ralph, James (d. 1762)
History and Geography
printed for J. Hinton, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's-Church-Yard