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Farther proceedings of the burgesses of Aberdeen, in the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in an attempt to restrain an extra assessment for the land tax of the borough, by means of an improper Practice which has prevailed for a considerable Time past, and by which much larger Sums have been levied from the Citizens than the Amount paid into the Exchequer, and the necessary Expence of levying and collecting. With the memorials, acts of Council, and protests on that subject. Act of the Council against the general Reform. A Statement of the Business of the General Meeting, and Head Court, Sept. 1785 Additional Memorial on the subject of the Land Tax, April 1786; the Act of Council in consequence, and Protest of the Burgesses. Memorial of the Burgesses to the Council on the subject of the State and Management of the public Funds; the Necessity of a Change in the System of Oeconomy; on the Assessment, Collection, and Application of the Money granted by Authority of the Community for Streets, Wells and Lamps; a more equal and productive Mode of Assessment proposed, with a View to the providing with more Certainty for the public Accommodation and Convenience, and towards reducing the Debts of the Town; and the additional Memorial on that Subject delivered in Head Court. Proceedings of Head Court, Sept. 1786. Together with Acts of Council and Head Court, connected with these Subjects, and passed at different Periods. To which is prefixed, a preface, containing observations, by the Committee of Burgesses.
Social Sciences