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A letter in Latin and English, from The Nobility, Barons and Commons of Scotland, in the year 1320, yet extant under all the Seals of the Nobility, directed to Pope John, Who, and Predecessors were most great and magnificent in these Ages, and did a great many and singular Favours and Privileges to Scotland: Wherein they declare their former Resolutions, to adhere to their King Robert the Bruce, as the Restorer of the Safety and Liberties of the People, and as having the true Right of Succession. This Manuscript being 424 Years old, sets forth the Antiquity and Valour of the Scots, and this remarkable Consideration, that the Lord Jesus Christ, after his Passion and Resurrection, honoured them with a Call to his Holy Faith, by his Apostle St. Andrew. Translated from the Original in Latin, as is [infert] by the eminent Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, in his Observations on Precedency.
Social Sciences
printed [by Robert Drummond?] and sold in the Swan-Close