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The rule for finding Easter in the Book of common-prayer, explain'd and vindicated against the exceptions of the late learned Dr. Wallis; and the Misrepresentations of Mr. Baxter, Mr. Calamy, and other Dissenters. Wherein directions are given for finding the ecclesiastical new and full moon; the Dominical Letter, &c. Together with a Table of the Lunar and Solar Cycles, Golden Number, and Dominical Letters for 532 Years: Shewing, that the Full Moon is is the Fourteenth, not the Fifteenth Day Inclusive from the New Moon. And a preface, giving an historical account of the said rule, and the several Objections made against it. Together with an appendix, concerning the True time of Keeping St. Matthias's Day in Leap-Years. Shewing, That it is to be kept on the 24th, and not on the 25th of February, as some Almanacks place it. Wherein are Inserted A. B. Sancroft's order, sent to the Clergy of his Province; And Dr. Wallu's Letter to Bp. Fell concerning the same, A.D. 1684.
Watts, Robert (1683-1726)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for J. Holland at the Bible and Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard