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A golden key to open hidden treasures, or several great points, that refer to the saints present blessedness, and their future happiness, with the resolution of several important questions. Also, the active and passive obedience of Christ vindicated and improved; against men of corrupt minds, &c. who boldly, in pulpit and press contend against those glorious truths of the gospel. To which is added, Eleven serious singular Pleas, that all sincere Christians may safely and groundedly make, to those ten scriptures in the Old and New Testament, that speak of the general judgment, and of that particular judgment, that must certainly pass upon them all immediately after death. The Godhead and manhood of Christ, is here largely proved, and improved against all gainsayers, by what names and titles soever they are distinguished and known among us. Several things concerning hell, and hellish torments, opened, cleared and improved against all Atheists, and all others that boldly assert, that there is no hell, but what is in us. Some other points of importance are here cleared and opened, which other authors (so far as the author hath read) have passed over them in great silence, all tending to the confirmation of the strong, and support, peace, comfort, settlement and satisfaction of poor, weak, doubting, trembling, staggering Christians. By Thomas Brooks, Late Preacher of the Gospel, at Margarets-New-Fish-Street.
Brooks, Thomas (1608-1680)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for Robert Smith Bookseller, at the Sign of the Gilt-Bible, near the Head of the Salt-Mercat