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A welsh grammar. Or, a short and easie introduction to the Welsh tongue. In 2 parts. Viz: I. A particular Account of the several Parts of the Welsh Torgue; with the Accidents and Properties unto Them respectively appertaining: as Cases, Genders, Numbers, Conjugations, Moods, Tenses, &c. II. A full Syntax of each of those Parts: shewing, What Places They peculiarly claim in Construction; and what Changes They make in the Initials of one another, accord- to the constant Tenor of stated rules as there in set down. Whereunto is added, A copicus Alphabetical Table of Particles, shewing the proper Effects of Them on the Initials of subsequent words: if not suspended by other more prevailing parts in the sentence. By W. G. Rector of Puncheston in Pembroke-Shire. Anno Domini. 1724.
Gambold, William (1672-1728)
Literature and Language
printed by Nicolas Thomas