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Every patient his own doctor; or, The sick man's triumph over death and the grave. Containing, the most approved methods of curing every disease incident to the human body, internal or external; whether owing to Defects of Nature, occasioned by Intemperance, contracted by Accident, or caused by Decay. With The Best Remedies Prescribed by the Authority of the most eminent Physicians for removing each Disorder, restoring Health, preserving it when restored; and extending Life to an honourable Old Age. Including An excellent Collection of the most eminent Receipts for making and preparing A great Number of cheap, easy, and efficacious Medicines. Among these are That Admirable New Discovery, by which the Scurvy, the Grand English Disorder, is effectually cured: And for the successful Practice of which, Captain Cook received the Premium Medal from the Royal Society, for having preserved himself and all his Men from this dreadful Distemper, during the Space of Three Years and Eighteen Days, although he passed through all the Varieties of Climate, and Seasons in his late Voyage round the World, performed. By the Command of His Majesty. Also The Method used by the Humane Society for the Recovery of Persons apparently drowned or suffocated. - A certain cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog, Viper, Adder, &c. - -An infallible Remedy against the Goal Distemper, Plague, or any other pestilential Disorder, &c &c. By Lewis Robinson, M.D.
Robinson, Lewis, M.D.
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Cooke, No 17 Pater-Noster Row