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The American coast pilot; containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, capes and headlands, from Passamaquoddy through the Gulf of Florida, with directions for sailing into the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c. Together with the courses and distances from Cape-Cod and Cape-Ann to Georges'-Bank, through the South and East Channels, and the setting of the currents, with the latitudes and longitudes of the principal harbours on the coast, together with a tide table. By Capt. Lawrence Furlong. Corrected and improved by the most experienced pilots in the United States-- Also, information to masters of vessels, wherein the manner of transacting business at the custom-houses is fully elucidated. Published according to act of Congress.
Furlong, Lawrence (1734-1806)
History and Geography
Printed by Edmund M. Blunt, (Proprietor)
Newburyport (Massachusetts)