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An exact list of the burgesses and freeholders, Of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham; Who polled before Ralph Newham, and Wm. Heath, Jun. Gent. Sheriffs. At the election of two burgesses, To serve in Parliament for the said Town; Taken on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th of October 1774. At a Booth erected in the Market Place for that Purpose, by Adjournment from a Room in the 'change. Digested into Alphabetical Order, and divided into three distinct Parts, viz. I. The Town Votes. II. London Votes. III. Country Votes. - To which is added, a List of such Votes as did not Poll, as far as could be procured. Candidates. The Hon. William Howe, of Epperstone; The Right Hon. Edward Bentinck, Esq; commonly called Lord Edward Bentinck; and Sir Charles Sedley, of Nutthall, Bart.
History and Geography
printed by George Burbage, for S. Creswall, and G. Burbage; also sold by Mr. Ward, and Mr. Heath, Booksellers in Nottingham