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Nuptial dialogues and debates: or, an useful prospect of the felicities and discomforts of a marry'd life, incident to all degrees, from the throne to the cottage. Containing Many great Examples of Love, Piety, Prudence, Justice, and all the excellent Vertues that largely contribute to the true Happiness of Wedlock. Drawn from the Lives of our own Princes, Nobility, and other Quality, in Prosperity and Adversity. Also the fantastical Humours of all Fops, Coquets, Bullies, Jilts, fond Fools, and Wantons; old Fumblers, barren Ladies, Misers, parsimonious Wives, Ninnies, Sluts and Termagants; drunken Husbands, toaping Gossips, schismatical Precisians, and devout Hypocrites of all sorts. Digested into serious, merry, and satyrical Poems, wherein both Sexes, in all Stations, are reminded of their Duty, and taught how to be happy in a Matrimonial State. ... . By the author of the London-Spy.
Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Literature and Language
printed by H. Meere, for T. Norris at the Looking-Glass, and A. Bettesworth at the Red-Lyon, both on London-Bridge; and sold by J. Woodward in Scalding-Alley, over against Stocks-Market