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The cattle-Keeper's assistant; or complete directory for country gentlemen, sportsmen, farmers, Graziers, Farriers, Game and Cow Keepers, Horse Dealers, Carriers, &c. Being a valuable collection of observations in the choice of cattle, and receipts (made by Persons of Note and Experience) For the Cure of every Distemper incident to Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Hogs, & Dogs, (with Descriptions of the Symptoms) Digested under their Proper Heads. To which are added, strictures on the management of cattle, in Order to a Healthy Propagation and Ingrease of their several Species, and a Prevention of their Maladies; Also, a plan of table for keeping accounts of Laborers Employed in Wilderness, Park, Pleasure and Kitchen Garden; and for More Readily Stating The Number and Condition of Cattle, viz. Saddle, Coach & Cart Horses; Bullocks, Cows, and Calves; Sheep & Lambs; Swine; Deer; Pointers, Spaniels, &c. N.B. This edition contains an intire new method of preventing the cutting or Interfering of Horses. of horses. By Josiah Ringsted, Esq; Author of the Farmer, containing Improvements in Husbandry.
Ringsted, Josiah (d. 1812)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Dixwell, No. 148, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross