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Les delices de Windsore; or, a pocket companion to Windsor Castle; a new edition: containing, a description of the castle, with the new arrangement of the pictures, (1778.) in the royal appartments [sic], the Royal Chapel of St. George, and the Order of the Garter. Also an account of the town, parks, and forest of Windsor. The several lodges, villages, and gentlemen's seats in the neighbourhood. With other particulars of general observation. To which is added, an appendix; containing the ceremonies of the installation of a Knight of the Garter; with an account of the first founders and the present knight companions. With views of the castle and other cuts.
Pote, Joseph (1704-1787)
History and Geography
Printed by J. Pote, Price 1s. 6d. Bound. Sold also by Mr. Williams, at No. 39, in Fleet-Street, London