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The new and impartial universal history of North and South America, and of the present Trans-Atlantic war. Containing A Complete Historical and Chronological Account of the first Discovery America; the Conquest of Mexico and Peru; and the Soil, Climate, and Natural Productions of all the Countries in North and South America; Including the West-India Islands: Also, the first Settlements of the English, French, and Dutch, in the New World; the Customs and Manners of the Natives; Rise, Plantation, Trade, and Commerce, of all our Colonies and Settlements; And the various Wars entered into on their Account, From their First Establishment, till the Final Expulsion of the French from the slourishing Province of Canada. Likewise, an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Present Unhappy Disputes; And the Conduct of the Present War, under different Commanders, From the Battle of Bunker's-Hill, to the present Important Crisis. Illustrated with Anecdotes of Dr. Franklin, Mr. Laurens, Gen. Gage, Gen. Burgoyne, Sir Henry Clinton, the Lords Howe and Cornwallis; as also of Washington, Lee, Morgan, and other American and British Commanders. With a View of the Lives and Conduct of Brigadier-General Arnold, and the unfortunate Major Andre. Comprehending An Historical, Political, Commercial, and General View of the British Empire in America. The Whole carefully collected from the best Authorities; and forming a Period of near Three Hundred Years. By Charles Henry Arnold, Esq. Late of Philadelphia, now of Burlington-Street.
Arnold, Charles Henry
History and Geography
printed for Alex. Hogg, No 16, Pater-Noster-Row