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The american negotiator: or, the various currencies of the British colonies in America; as well the islands, as the continent. The Currencies of Nova Scotia, Canada, New England, New York, East Jersey. Pensylvania, West Jersey, Mary Land, Virginia, North Carolina South Carolina, Georgia And of the Islands of Barbadoes, Jamaica, St. Christophers, Antigua, Nevis, and Montserrat, reduced into English money, By a Series of Tables, suited to the several Exchanges between the Colonies and Britain, adapted to all the Variations that from time to time have or may happen. With Tables reducing the Currency of Ireland into Sterling, and the contrary, at all the Variations of Exchange. Also A Chain of Tables, of the interchangeable Reduction of the Currencies of the Colonies into each other. To which are added Tables reducing Gold and Silver Bullion of any Degree of Coareness or Fineness into Standard, and valuing the same by the Assay according to the Mint Price of the Tower of London. By J. Wright, Accomptant.
Wright, John, accomptant
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for the Proprietors