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A new description of Europe in various columns, whereby is exhibited at one view. I. All its empires, kingdoms, republics and states; their situation, 1. From the Center of Europe in the first Column, which we fix at Cracow, in Poland; and, 2. from London, as observed in the 4th Column; also their Length, Breadth, Divisions, Inhabitants, Religion, ancient Names, Neighbours, Metropolis, Titles, Situation, whether on Rivers or Seas, &c. and Provinces; their Latitude and Longitude, Coronation Place, longest Day, difference of Time, Distance and Bearing from London; Climate, their Antipodes, the Time of High Water at some Places, with other useful Observations, Likewise other large Cities of the second Magnitude, with their Titles, Latitude, &c. Also remarkable Rivers, Mountains, Volcanos, Lakes, Gulphs, Bays, Streights, Capes, &c. Secondly, The present Sovereigns, their Age, and the Year of Accession; the Heirs Apparent, and their Age; eight of the immediate Predecessors, with the Year of their Accession, and the different Orders of Knighthood, and when instituted. Thirdly, The chief Produce, Manufactures, &c. And, Fourthly, Short Accounts of the various Countries, as Outlines of the History, and of the best English and French Authors, who have treated on this Subject. To which is Added, A very copious List of all the Cities and Towns of every Empire, Kingdom and State, in Europe, with their different Titles, Magnitudes, remarkable Events, and other useful and curious Remarks, in Abbreviations and Characteristics; after a Method entirely new, and never before published. At the End of this Work, is added a variety of very useful Tables, with other Observations. The Whole, being Multum in Parvo, is composed, calculated, and compiled, from the best Authors, By J.S. Charrier, Teacher of Geography, the Use of the Globes, the French Language, &c. Author of the Chorographical Description of England and Wales, the Geographical Table of noted Cities, improver and editor of Dr. Nugent's Pocket Dictionary, French and English, &c.
Charrier, J. Samuel
History and Geography
printed for the author, by J.W. Basham, Black-Friars; and sold by the author only, who may always he heard of at Mr. Dully's, No. 25, Poultry