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Geometry improv'd: 1. By a large and accurate table of segments of circles, its construction and various uses in the Solution of several difficult Problems. With Compendious Tables for finding a true Proportional Part, and their Use in these or any other Tables; exemplify'd in making out Logarithms or Natural Numbers from them, to sixty Figures, there being a Table of them for all Primes to 1100, true to 61 Figures. 2. A concise treatise of polyedra, or solid bodies of many bases, Both the Regular and others: To which are added Twelve New ones, with various Methods of forming them, and their exact Dimensions in Surds or Species, and in Numbers; Illustrated with Variety of Copper Plates. By A.S. Philomath.
Sharp, Abraham (1651-1742)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for Richard Mount on Tower-Hill, and John Sprint in Little-Britain