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Memoirs of James Bolland, formerly a butcher in the borough, then officer to the Sheriff of Surry, afterwards officer to the Sheriff of Middlesex, and lately a candidate for the place of City Marshal; executed at Tyburn, March 18, 1772, for forgery. The second edition, corrected, and considerably enlarged. Containing, among other additional Facts, not generally known, though infamously cruel and oppressive, the extraordinary case of John Wilkinson, who in 1768 was reduced to Beggary and Ruin, from a happy Situation in Life. Together with an appendix, In which is given an authentic Summary of his Trial at the Old Bailey; an Account of his Behaviour prior to, and after his Conviction; his Treaty, in the Cells of Newgate, with Captain D. for a Respite; the Interposition of the Hon. Mr. H. Uncle to Lord S. in his Favour; his strange Declaration to the Ordinary of Newgate, and an unbiassed Description of his Deportment at the Place of Execution.
Bolland, James (1727-1772)
printed for S. Bladon, in Pater-Noster-Row