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Pangeometria; or the elements of all geometry. Containing, I. The rudiments of decimal arithmetic, Logarithms, and Algebra, by Way of Introduction. II. Euclid's Elements of Plain or Lineal Geometry, in Six Books; His Elements of Solid Geometry, in Two Books: Demonstrated in a New and most Easy Method, for the Use of those especially, who learn without a Master. III. The Elements of Spherical Geometry, Collected, Digested, and Demonstrated after the same Manner as the Euclidean Elements; containing the Doctrine of Spherical Trigonometry, and the Orthographic and Stereographic Projection of the Sphere in Plano. IV. A Compendium of Conic Geometry; Containing a Plain and Easy Demonstration of the Principal Properties of the Conic Sections, viz. the Ellipsis, Parabola, and Hyperbola. V. An appendix, containing an epitome of the doctrine of fluxions; and a Specimen of the Method de Maximis & Minimis; both applied to Use. The Whole being intended as a Compleat Introduction to the Modern Mathesis, or Body of Mathematical Literature. By B. Martin.
Martin, Benjamin (1705-1782)
Medicine, Science and Technology
printed for J. Noon, at the White-Hart, in Cheapside, near Mercer's-Chapel